Rackspace Swag

Rackspace Swag

Rackspace Swag

OCTOBER 31, 2021

The best partner swag that I've ever received came from our friends down in San Antonio at Rackspace. They gave us a tour of their amazing facilities and at the end let us hit up their swag room. A dedicated store in their building with Rackspace branded swag.

It turns out that they had backpacks filled with Rackspace swag and gave us one. We took it back to the office, unloaded it, and it was PACKED with all kinds of fun gear (as pictured below). I still use the backpack to this day and it is the best backpack I've ever owned for all of its functionality.

One other perk of their office tour is I got to slide down their slide. The company HQ was built in an old mall.