Thank You Mr. Mormile

Thank You Mr. Mormile

Thank You Mr. Mormile

It has been eight years since Anthony Mormile passed on. Time moves fast. I hope his family are doing well. I was thinking about him today and wanted to again say thank you.

Visiting the ESPN campus in Bristol were experiences I'll never forget, thanks to Anthony Mormile. Each time I arrived, we had several highly productive meetings, underscoring why he was such an influential executive at ESPN.

Anthony's office was a blend of professionalism and personal passion. Prominently displayed was a large photo of Manny Ramirez batting—a tribute to his love for the Red Sox (I can assume but he really liked Manny) and Manny's quirky personality, which I also appreciated. This mutual admiration for Manny helped us bond immediately. I never took a picture in the ESPN offices since I was scared of getting yanked by my neck by security. I do wish that he and I got one together though.

One peculiar yet amusing detail was the glass-fronted refrigerator on his back desk, stocked with cold Gatorades. He generously offered me one, a fruit punch, which added a touch of my dream office scenario to the meeting.

Anthony was not just a leader but also a connector. He introduced me to several key ESPN figures, including the brilliant writer D'Arcy Maine, Prim Siripipat, Stephania Bell and the unforgettable Mr. Roto Matthew Berry. He treated me like royalty, fully aware of my passion for sports and my honor at being part of this project.

ESPN HQ is like Narnia. I literally sat in the lobby and John Anderson and Stink walked past me. I went through the stairwell and boom ... Adam Schefter walked by me on his cell probably talking to a team about a scoop. Also walked by Michael Smith in a hall way and he told me "nice tie". (I was rocking a bowtie that day). I accidently walked through a cube/hallway meeting with BOB LEY. I interrupted it and walked right through like an idiot. I saw Herm Edwards sitting in a cube talking to himself to prepare for whatever spot he had to do that day. IT WAS FUCKING NARNIA. I WAS IN AN ESPN COMMERCIAL. All that was missing was The Ohio State's Brutus holding a cafeteria tray and giving me a high five.

This photo was taken by and includes Aaron LaBerge with Mr. Mormile and I hope he doesn't mind that I included it in this post. I thinks its a good one of him.

He respected my expertise with the software his team was using, especially after my management of a large ESPN/US Tennis/American Express meeting in Manhattan that had 33 attendees—an experience reminiscent of a scene from Dr. Strangelove.

Anthony’s generosity was evident when he offered his personal credit card to my colleague and me to enjoy the ESPN store. Although I declined to use it, preferring to buy souvenirs for my team in Austin myself, my third-party partner exploited this kindness, racking up a $650 bill on unnecessary items.

Despite my partner's actions, Anthony remained gracious. After lunch at the cafeteria (where I marveled at Mel Kiper’s hair in person), we returned to his office. He retrieved his credit card without comment, demonstrating his professionalism.

Our visit concluded on a high note, with new business opportunities to explore. Later, Anthony adjusted our arrangement to exclude the problematic partner, and he continued to be an incredible ally to me and my team. Our collaboration extended even to his new role at CBS Sports, where we did some demo work for him.

Sadly, Anthony passed away eight years ago. I traveled to New Jersey to pay my respects to his wife and son. In a touching moment, his wife recognized me as "the guy in Austin" and assured me my journey was appreciated but unnecessary. He did however have one of the best spreads at a memorial (let alone most weddings I've ever been to) and it was incredible. That guy was loved.

So many famous people were at his memorial gathering. The facility was larger than life and over the top. Food was TOP NOTCH. That guy went out in style.

Reflecting on Anthony's life, it's bittersweet to think he might have benefited from medical advances like Ozempic. His early passing was a cruel twist of fate. Nonetheless, his kindness, professionalism, and the opportunities he created for those around him remain his enduring legacy. Thank you, Anthony. Rest in peace.

I think about his last DM to me every often. So many more interesting things to build.